Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Return

Many of you, rightfully so, are curious as to the reasoning of my return to the USA prematurely. I would like to use this entry to explain the events that transpired leading to my evacuation and summarize my time on Africa.

As you read a few weeks ago in an earlier entry, there has been some unrest among the students at the University of Botswana. Unfortunately, things have now escalated from protests to violent rioting. Last Friday, I was directly involved in another aggressive confrontation with the angry students because I was partaking of my lunch in the refectory. In anger, they raided the cafeteria, commandeering the food, and turning over tables. They approached me (150 or so) with large baseball bat size logs demanding I put my hands over my head because they were going to “f**k me up.”

I obliged their demands and beside them destroying my school notebooks and scaring the crap out of me, I went unharmed. However, this being the second encounter in two consecutive weeks, UNCG felt if unwise to remain there and boy were they ever right.

As of now, the university has been shut down indefinitely by the government and everyone has been made to leave the premises. So far, 60+ students have been hospitalized do to injuries from the strike and the riot police are now using tear gas and rubber bullets to try to maintain order. The US Embassy has required all citizens to stay clear of the university area and the roads leading into the school as well as surrounding the university have been closed.

Had UNCG not acted so efficiently, it may have been me injured, and for that, I commend them. They had me on a plane out of the country within 24 hours of them knowing of the situation. The worked on my behalf registering for courses back at UNCG, and have been nothing but helpful and understanding in the readjusting process that I and the other students are continuing to battle through.

Botswana is a land of democratic stability and hospitable people. It is unfortunate for all parties involved that my departure become necessary. With the exception of the incidents, I enjoyed my time and experiences in Africa, both South Africa and Botswana, and hopefully, someday I will return to the continent and explore new horizons not yet seen.

1 comment:

  1. Adam,
    I am glad that you are back safe. What an experience. Take care.
